Daphne’s diary entry #3

Written by Daphne Bryant


Art by @leckydoodles! It’s a portrait of me! How cool is that?


Hello my angels <3 This week is one of the biggest, craziest, most awesome weeks of our summer season, and that’s because it’s our LAUNCH WEEEEEK! On Saturday, Issue 01: DIY officially releases (in print and digitally). I am so excited for our party & swap; I hope to meet many of you in person and chat about the zine and our lives and naturally, our dreams. It’s going to be really fun, so PU and bring a friend!

Below are some updates on things that have been happening in dream world...

  1. We were first-time vendors at the Brookline Community Parkfest last weekend. And gosh it was fun! We were there from 11am-2PM and got to have our own vendor tent where we set up merch, stickers, and some advance copies of the zine. There were so many curious kids, excited college students, stunned adults and even a grandmother who bought her granddaughter an issue. For about an hour one of my good friends and an editor for the zine, Maddie, joined me at the table and we loved catching up and chatting with everyone who stopped by. Getting to make these in-person connections is one of the greatest gifts ever, and I can’t wait for more festivals, markets and parties.

  2. We put up our first model call this month and received over 40 applications within 24 hours. I knew you all wanted to model for us, but I didn’t know you wanted to model for us this bad. We got so many applications that we had to close the model call early; only two models could be selected for this shoot, and the more applications we receive, the more rejections (insert sad face). Luckily, we have tons of photoshoots coming up in the near future, so if you weren’t chosen this time around or didn’t get to apply, don’t worry: your time could be coming.

  3. We are collabing with Darianka. Darianka is an digital creator I grew up alongside, and not only is she an influencer with a following of over 800k, but she’s an entrepreneur who started her own swimwear brand based out of Costa Rica, and a model who’s worked with notable brands such as Chanel. When she followed the zine and reached out hoping to collab, I was gobsmacked. It still doesn’t feel real, but I’m honored and excited to be working with her. Today I conducted my interview with Darianka, and soon we’ll be doing an NYC photoshoot featuring her! So hyped and proud of the zine’s growth and all that’s to come.

A small moment of silence for the business cards that I ordered for the launch party. TWICE I have ordered them and twice they failed to reach my location in Allston. RIP networking strategy, you will be mourned.




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