The DREAM MAG Workshop Series
Interested in starting your own magazine but don't really know where to start? Take our virtual "DREAM MAG" course, perfect for beginners, and get valuable advice from the team at Dreamworldgirl Zine!
Created and Written by Daphne Bryant
Featuring Videos From Dana Albala, Maddie Pope and Rachel Chu
Lesson 1: So You Want To Start a Magazine?
Your concept is your everything. It’s what will ground your magazine, driving its aesthetic look, themes and purpose. This one seems like a no-brainer, but before you can start a magazine you have to develop an idea for one. Your mag should have a strong concept, one that is memorable, fresh and offers something unique in one or more areas. The more specific your concept is, the better, as it gives your to-be fanbase something solid to grasp onto.
Your concept is your everything. It’s what will ground your magazine, driving its aesthetic look, themes and purpose. This one seems like a no-brainer, but before you can start a magazine you have to develop an idea for one. Your mag should have a strong concept, one that is memorable, fresh and offers something unique in one or more areas. The more specific your concept is, the better, as it gives your to-be fanbase something solid to grasp onto.
Lesson 2: What Are You Creating and Who Are You Creating It For?
Obviously anyone can read your magazine, but what kinds of individuals are you accepting work from? These things matter, and you should know this before you launch your magazine
Obviously anyone can read your magazine, but what kinds of individuals are you accepting work from? These things matter, and you should know this before you launch your magazine
Lesson 3: Gauging Interest (Who Cares?)
Before you make that Instagram account and start posting, you should gauge some interest.
Before you make that Instagram account and start posting, you should gauge some interest.
Lesson 4: Ready, Set, Launch!
Launching your own magazine is a multi-step process, but we're providing the best tools for attacking this task!
Launching your own magazine is a multi-step process, but we're providing the best tools for attacking this task!
Lesson 5: How To Hire
You might feel as though running your own magazine is a task you’re willing to take on by yourself, but the truth of the matter is, most publications need many hands on deck. After launching your magazine, it’s time to start hiring for it. Even smaller, more intimate mags often require collaborative work.
You might feel as though running your own magazine is a task you’re willing to take on by yourself, but the truth of the matter is, most publications need many hands on deck. After launching your magazine, it’s time to start hiring for it. Even smaller, more intimate mags often require collaborative work.
Lesson 6: Bonding Exercises and Things of the Sort
So you’ve got your staff, an amazing group of individuals who are passionate about the work you’re doing and eager to get started. This team will be your rock during the entire process of building your magazine; lean on them, support them, and uplift them.
So you’ve got your staff, an amazing group of individuals who are passionate about the work you’re doing and eager to get started. This team will be your rock during the entire process of building your magazine; lean on them, support them, and uplift them.
Lesson 7: #SubmissionSeason
Things are really moving now! You’ve launched your magazine, hired staff members, and gotten training out of the way. Now it’s time to open submissions, which is one of, if not the most important aspects of a magazine. What exactly does it mean to open submissions?
Things are really moving now! You’ve launched your magazine, hired staff members, and gotten training out of the way. Now it’s time to open submissions, which is one of, if not the most important aspects of a magazine. What exactly does it mean to open submissions?
Lesson 8: Promote, Market, Rinse and Repeat
Opening submissions is one of the most important things a magazine can do; you’re going to want to get as many as you can (so that you have plenty to choose from), which means promoting and marketing the fuck out of your publication!
Opening submissions is one of the most important things a magazine can do; you’re going to want to get as many as you can (so that you have plenty to choose from), which means promoting and marketing the fuck out of your publication!
Lesson 9: Brands, Content Creators and Other Mags (Friends not Food)
One of the things to be thinking about when you start your magazine is who you’d like to collaborate with. This doesn’t have to be a super thought out thing (especially at first), but it pays to make connections with like-minded brands, content creators and other magazines. Like you, they also have dreams and aspirations that could be mutually beneficial.
One of the things to be thinking about when you start your magazine is who you’d like to collaborate with. This doesn’t have to be a super thought out thing (especially at first), but it pays to make connections with like-minded brands, content creators and other magazines. Like you, they also have dreams and aspirations that could be mutually beneficial.
Lesson 10: Stay Humble
You are working hard to make quality work. You are creative and talented. You are determined and ambitious. Numbers aren’t everything!
You are working hard to make quality work. You are creative and talented. You are determined and ambitious. Numbers aren’t everything!
“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt” - Sylvia Plath
Do you still have questions about starting your own mag or zine? Please feel free to email us at dreamworldgirlzine@gmail.com with your specific inquiries or concerns, and we’d be happy to help ☆
A Guide to Creative Direction and Photoshoots
The Print Magazine Process
Sustainable Merchandise
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Navigating the DIY Publishing Industry
How To Run Your Own Blog
A Guide to Event Producing
A Look at Internship Programs
If any of these speak to you, shoot us an email and let us know you want another workshop!