Daphne’s Diary ENtry #1

Written by Daphne Bryant


Hi all <3 I recognize that for a lot of you this might be your first time reading my writing.Before you begin on this journey with me,I should preface by warning you; if you are looking for dense online literature that will bore you to death, you’re in the wrong place. If you are looking for something sweet and easy that strays away from curse words and tough topics, you’re in the wrong place. If you are looking for something that toes the line between 20-something year old humor and real, everyday human emotion: congratulations, you are in the right place!!!!

Welcome to the first ever Daphne’s Diary entry, a new series I’m starting where I talk mostly about exciting new things that the zine is up to.Where do I even begin? First of all: do you know who I am? (I say this in a *I just realized I never introduced myself way* and not in an *arrogant and entitled London Tipton* way.)

My name is Daphne, but my friends call me Daph. Since you’re still reading which means that you’re okay with lackluster ramblings and musings,I officially declare you my Internet friend.Well friend, it’s important that we become acquainted with one another. My name is Daphne, or Daph, and I am the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Dreamworldgirl Zine (and I guess the blog too hehe). You can read all about why I started the zine and what it means to me in the About section or on our Instagram, but that’s not what I’m writing about today.

Today I’m writing to update you on DG Zine’s most recent happenings.I’ve numbered these things, for ease.

  1. We reached 1k on Instagram. Hello what?! Am I dreaming? Pinch me. Actually don’t. That would hurt, and if it is a dream I really don’t want to wake up. Can’t believe we reached 1k despite only launching a few months ago, and even now we are almost at 1.4k. 1,400 of you!!! Can’t believe there’s so many people that support the zine and think it’s cool enough to earn a follow. I’m shooook. I can thank one of our Tik Tok’s virality for the recent influx of followers.Since then so many people have expressed general interest in the zine, as well as specific interest in working + modeling for us. It makes me so excited for hiring season in October, because there are going to be tons of positions opening up. I was reassured by Mireya (the founder of Sustainable Swaps who we are collabing with for the event) that the turnout would be good even without specific vendors, but now I am certain it will be an absolute blast.

  2. We launched our first ever merch collection. Way back at the start of the zine’s inception, I stalked people that make DIY shirts on Tik Tok and Instagram and reached out asking if they’d like to make merch for my magazine.It was way less creepy than it sounds, and also one of the smartest decisions ever. The clothes are so fucking cute, and there’s still some available! Get your limited edition tops here.

  3. We dealt with an artistic property thief and obsessive fan.Oh my god. Guys. Top 10 craziest things to ever happen to me, and I’d argue that a lot of crazy things tend to happen to me. For weeks now someone has been stealing the zine’s logo, branding, and concept, creating fake identities to evade her lies, making multiple accounts and zines copying us and to cover her ass, and sending hundreds of dollars to us as a means of apologizing for her ridiculous actions. Even now, someone’s work is about to be put up on the blog this week and I’m not 100% sure it’s NOT this one crazy individual posing under a different name. My entire team is so fed up, but we’re trying to be really mature about it. I had my marketing director and brand manager Rachel PR check every single thing that was sent via Instagram DM and email, and even when we made our public statement we didn’t name the individual so as to protect her privacy. We’ve been SAURRR kind and I’m not entirely sure it’s deserved, but she did take down the THIRD account made in our likeness; maybe third time’s a charm?

  4. We locked in partnerships with Universal Music Group and The NY Archive. Now THIS I am excited about. Not that I’m not excited about everything else because I totally am, but this is just really sick because it means people see us a genuine publication. We received an offer from one of UMG’s subgroups to attend press conferences and special events centered around artist interviews and musician showcases. I’ve done one of these before through Five Cent Sound, the music magazine I online directed before I founded DG Zine, so I’m really familiar with the setup, but FCS has been around for over TEN years. To think we’re already being offered something like this and we haven’t been around for even half a year is so validating. AND, we have lots of collabs coming up with The NY Archive, a popular vintage store with over 12k followers. This is so freaking exciting, and I can’t wait to see who else we end up partnering with.

  5. We completed the print issue and are sending it off to print this week. This is NOT a drill.The print issue is currently being proofread and will be sent for printing this week, with copies arriving a week or two before the launch party. I am OVER THE MOON, but trust me when I say it wasn’t easy. Navigating Mixam as a printing service took a lot of work, but I have a feeling everything is going to look fabulous when the DIY issue is finally in my hands.

  6. We reached out to more sticker and merch designers.Special items are going to be sold at the launch party next month, and that’s all I’ll say on that...

  7. We made a public post about the opening of our LA branch.I was originally really nervous to move out to LA for the fall semester, but I am suddenly very confident that things will work out. It’s so awesome that a huge chunk of our followers are based in LA or California, and we want to work with you! Please reach out and apply for positions; let’s make a whole bunch of art while I’m out there and build a strong enough branch so that when I leave, the zine can still operate on the west coast.

  8. We reached our donation goal.Feels appropriate to end this diary entry with the news that our donation goal has been reached. We’ve raised $200 to help fund the making of the print zine, which is FUCKING AWESOME and so exciting. Please don’t stop there though; continue to donate so that we can ensure making a second issue. We need your help! And, also, I love you. Hehehe.

All this to say things are going very well and I couldn’t be more grateful.I am enthusiastic about the future and excited for what’s to come. I hope you’ll be right there with me.

Signing off, for now

Daphne Bryant


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