The Queering of Nana
Nana, a Japanese manga and anime about two 20-year old girls who move to Tokyo at the same time to chase their dreams, is the most sapphic heterosexual piece of media ever, and you’re going to want to hear about it in this essay written by DWG founder, Daphne Bryant.

Jam's Film Wrapped: February
Tune into Jamilla Philson’s final Film Wrapped, which includes everything from The Thing to Bridget Jones’s Diary.

Meet Clutter: On The T, Boston’s Underground Transportation Zine
Scrapbooking and collaging is often a solitary hobby, but a small group of college students are coming together to share their clutter with the world. Introducing Clutter: On The T, Boston’s new underground transportation zine!

Making Movie Magic: An Interview With Ella Fields
In this interview staff writer Jamilla Philson sits down with mult-ihyphenate director, writer, photographer, and puppeteer Ella Fields, whose films tackle queer identity, magical realism and love.

“U-Haul Lesbians” as a Product of the Patriarchy: An Examination of the Political Forces Behind Sapphic Intensity
In this essay, writer JJ Baysinger tackles the emotional politics of u-hauling: why do lesbians u-haul, and what are the social systems which have set us to merge souls after three dates?

Space Age Idols: What We Can Learn From Galaxy Quest (1999) About Fame, Fandom and Sci-Fi Womanhood
In this essay writer Honora Quinn touches on the nuance of a Galaxy Quest, a sci-fi comedy that grapples with our past and modern notions of fan identity, our relationships with fame and the famous, and what it can mean to be a woman existing in the science fiction world.