self-love with dorothy mannine

Written by Emma Cahill


All images courtesy of Dorothy Mannine


A few years ago, I was scrolling through TikTok, trying to learn how to do eyeliner. During my search, I stumbled across Dorothy. Intrigued, I clicked on her profile, watched more of her videos, and instantly fell in love with her warmth and vibrancy. I followed her and have been a fan ever since—her content never gets old for me. Fast forward to this past May: I had just graduated from college and was terrified. I had never felt more unprepared in my life. I was in full-blown panic mode—crying, grieving, the whole thing. It was during this time that I saw Dorothy had released a book called Uncover Your Superpowers. I needed something—anything—that offered advice, direction, or, at the very least, a distraction from job hunting. So, I bought it. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but I had loved Dorothy for a while, so I figured it was worth a try. What I found was an incredibly well-thought-out, authentic, and beautifully written book. I’m so glad I picked it up, and even more thrilled that Dorothy agreed to meet with me on Zoom to discuss it.

Dorothy Mannine’s journey to becoming an actress, influencer, and author is nothing short of a creative whirlwind. Born into a lively New York Italian family, she grew up across the East Coast before pursuing her passion for acting in Los Angeles at the age of 17. From her early days in high school theater to working late nights as a server, Dorothy’s commitment to her craft has always been undeniable. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and acting jobs became scarce, Dorothy’s ingenuity led her to dive headfirst into content creation, building a successful platform across TikTok, Twitch, and beyond. Most recently, she added “author” to her growing list of accomplishments—an unexpected turn that came to her, quite literally, during a moment of meditation.

“ I literally sat down right in that moment and wrote probably, like, 90% of it right then and there,” she told me. This type of certainty can definitely be felt in the work itself. The book offers a direct and accessible guide to overcoming personal obstacles, presented through 39 succinct chapters that blend mindset shifts with practical tools. Designed for quick, impactful reads, it addresses topics from fear of failure to embracing self-love, all while sharing Dorothy’s own transformative experiences.

During our conversation, Dorothy highlighted some of the most challenging aspects of personal growth that she addresses in Uncover Your Superpowers. One significant hurdle we bonded over is people-pleasing—a struggle she believes many, particularly women, grapple with.“ For me, personally, people-pleasing… is the hardest. And I think women in general have a hard time with this,” she shared. This insight stems from her engagement with her audience, where recurring themes such as fear of failure, lack of confidence, and self-doubt often surface. Dorothy’s approach to tackling these issues is both thoughtful and pragmatic. She designed her book to cater to today’s busy readers, aiming to convey profound insights in a concise and digestible manner.“ I wanted to say so much without saying so much,” she explained, distilling key concepts into bite-sized chapters that can be easily consumed during brief moments, like a coffee break. I read the majority of the book on my breaks and in brief moments of free time, and that was something I really loved about it. This format not only respects readers’ time constraints but also allows for frequent revisits to reinforce and reflect on the content.

Dorothy’s commitment to accessibility extends beyond her book to her broader content creation. She noted how small acts of kindness, like a simple compliment, can have a significant impact.“ Just telling somebody they look cute today…can make such a grand difference in people’s lives,” she observed. This philosophy of making small, positive changes that add up to meaningful growth is a thread that weaves through both her book and her online presence, offering readers and followers alike a refreshing approach to personal development. This is what drew me in when I first found her on TikTok, and I think it’s the same for others. She feels like a genuine friend—someone who will always hype you up and remind you of your worth.

Dorothy’s perspective on the fear of failure offers valuable insights for anyone struggling with self-doubt. She emphasizes the importance of embracing fear as an inevitable part of the growth process. “ Do it scared,” she said when I asked her about it. Dorothy acknowledges that fear of failure often manifests in multiple ways, from the fear of failing in front of others to the reluctance to set ambitious goals. This fear can sometimes paralyze us, leading to risk avoidance altogether. One of her key strategies for overcoming this fear is to focus on taking small, manageable steps.“ Baby steps make such a big difference,” she told me. By breaking down goals into smaller, achievable tasks, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed and build confidence gradually. Dorothy also encourages seeking inspiration rather than waiting for motivation, as inspiration can drive consistent, incremental action. We talked a lot about the fact that discomfort is a natural part of the growth process and should be embraced. Dorothy’s insights also extend to how we handle rejection. In her experience as an actress, rejection is common, but she has learned to view it more positively and healthily.“ Rejection is just redirection,” she says, reframing it as an opportunity for new paths and growth. This perspective helps shift our focus from immediate setbacks to long-term progress and possibilities.

When discussing self-love, Dorothy shared her candid and reflective journey. “ Self-love isn’t linear,” she said.“ It’s hard to pinpoint a single moment when it really began.” Dorothy’s path to self-love started in her early twenties, marked by struggles with self-esteem and mental health. She recounted experiences such as middle school bullying, acne, and unhealthy relationships that initially eroded her confidence. Yet, she also spoke of how each challenge contributed to her growth, leading to a more grounded sense of self-love by her late twenties. Her experience illustrates the non-linear nature of self-acceptance, and she emphasized that personal growth remains an ongoing process even after reaching a stable point.

“Self-love isn’t linear.”

Dorothy’s approach to content creation reflects her deep connection with her audience. She shared that her content aligns closely with her values and often draws from what she needed as her younger self. “I ask myself what would 16-year-old me need to hear,” Dorothy explained. This practice helps her create content that is authentic and empathetic, providing value to her audience. Her most rewarding moments as a creator include meeting fans in person and receiving heartfelt feedback, such as comments about how her videos have positively impacted lives. This deep connection with her followers fuels her passion and reinforces the impact of her work.

It’s so rare to come across content that genuinely uplifts you, and it’s rare that, when you get to speak to them, they match who they seem to be. The more I learned about Dorothy, the more I appreciated her genuine kindness and insight—and I can assure you that the person you see on your phone is a reflection of the kind, strong woman behind it. Her book Uncover Your Superpowers came into my life at a time when I desperately needed reassurance, and it did just that. It offered me the reminder that growth isn’t supposed to be easy and that even in our most uncertain moments, we’re still moving forward. Dorothy’s journey, from posting TikToks to hyping up viewers to offering life advice in book form, has been an ongoing inspiration, and I’m endlessly grateful to have her voice as part of my own path. If you need a little light in your life, I highly recommend checking out her TikTok @DorothyMannine and reading her book. She deserves all her flowers, and I am happy to get to give her some recognition that she so deserves.

Link to the book

Link to Dorothy’s tiktok


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