Books That Have Shaped Me

Written by Sara Fergang


I’ve noticed a new trend popping up during my mindless TikTok scrolls:“ Books that Have Shaped Me.” In these videos, people post pictures of themselves during different eras of their lives, overlaid with some of their favorite books from childhood, all the way up until the present day. As a part-time bookseller and full-time bookworm, I constantly think about how the books I obsessed over in elementary school helped mold me into who I am today. I’m sarcastic and stubborn because of Junie B. Jones, but I’m also inquisitive and empathetic like Nancy Drew. And, my middle school friend group’s obsession over The Hunger Games series means that I’m even more excited to get my hands on a copy of Sunrise on the Reaping as an adult. While I’d love to go through each of my literary hyperfixations and psychoanalyze how each has affected my psyche, to spare you, dear readers, I will just highlight a few of my former and current favorites. 

My number one favorite picture book was Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes. I’ve always been a constant worrier, even during my childhood when the only thing I really had to worry about was if my nightmares were actually real. I saw myself a lot in Wemberly; in fact, I still do. Wemberly’s worries vary from small and seemingly insignificant to big and unrealistic. For her, each and every worry consumes her mind and she can’t escape them. It also didn’t help that everyone around Wemberly points this trait out to her, as if it is something she needs to get rid of. Fun fact: when I was in third grade, my teacher called me a“ worry wart” multiple times in front of the class. I don’t quite remember what warranted that name, but I remember feeling the warmth that flushed my cheeks whenever she nicknamed me in front of twenty-three nine year olds. Thankfully, that nickname never caught on. 

By the end of Henkes’s story, Wemberly goes to school and meets another classmate with similar anxieties, and all of her fears surrounding the first day of school disappear. By relating to others, I’ve also been able to get rid of some of my anxieties. Except now, I try to focus my energy on what is in my control rather than everything in between. 

By the time I reached second grade, according to my teacher, I was apparently at a“ middle school reading level.” During silent reading time, I would speed through all of the Junie B. Jones and Magic Tree House books. I even started the Harry Potter series (I still haven't made it past book three). One of my favorite reads from elementary school was Frindle by Andrew Clements. Frindle was actually published in 1996, but I think one of my teachers must’ve had a copy in her classroom, and I was hooked. In this book, the class clown Nick decides to rename the pen“ frindle” after finding out how words get their meaning. He has his entire fifth grade in on this scheme to the dismay of his strict language arts teacher, Ms. Granger. The term“ frindle” then reached worldwide fame and was no longer in the hands of just Nick and his class. It was my first foray into what it means to reach virality, something that happens every day on social media. Unlike Wemberly Worried, I didn’t see myself in the main character. I was always a shy student who focused on her work and tried her best to get her teachers to like her. I think I liked how different Nick was from myself, even if I didn’t aspire to be like him. I also believe this was one of the first books I read that didn’t teach a lesson; it was just nonsense, and I ate it up. For me, it was kind of like the book equivalent of watching a reality tv show for the plot and its vibes.

Fifth grade was probably the last time I was a huge reader. It was when I fell in love with BookTube. In fifth grade, I read Wendy Mass’s entire catalogue (minus Leap Day and Heaven Looks a Lot Like a Mall; apparently I was too young for those books). A Mango-Shaped Space and the Birthdays series were my favorites, and my friends and I would always look for her books at the Scholastic Book Fair. Her school visit at my elementary school is my roman empire: the first, and only, time I’ve ever been starstruck. Back then, I had a lifelong dream of becoming a bestselling author, and Wendy Mass helped solidify that. I loved her characters and her quirky writing. And when I got selected out of everyone in my class for a writing workshop with Wendy Mass and a select few fourth and fifth graders, I felt like the chosen one. I’m still forever-indebted to my fifth grade teacher and librarian for selecting me for that experience. And I still have my signed copy of Every Soul a Star, accompanied by“ Keep on writing” in her handwriting. 

I bought my copy of The Selection by Kiera Cass at the Scholastic Book Fair when I was in fifth grade because I thought the cover was absolutely gorgeous; however, it wasn’t until eighth grade where I binge-read the series. I loved the drama of it all, and while the characters had ridiculous names that none of us readers could pronounce correctly, I was obsessed. One of my best friends at the time was also into this series, so it gave us something to bond over. I still remember watching all of the fan-made movie trailers on YouTube, and I’ll never forgive Netflix for giving up on it. The Selection series was always described at The Bachelor meets The Hunger Games (although, the latter comparison was more of a marketing ploy to capitalize off the popularity of the series at the time). The initial trilogy of The Selection, The Elite, and The One was iconic. While the companion duology of The Heir and The Crown was more than unnecessary, I begged my grandma to preorder The Crown for my fourteenth birthday, and I waited anxiously to receive it months later. I think it’s also important to note that I was horrible at reading series, and this was the first one I actually committed to. I always tell myself I want to reread The Selection series, but I don’t think I could do it. I think these books only exist in that moment of time, and if I reread them now, it wouldn’t be the same. 

“I always tell myself I want to reread The Selection series, but I don’t think I could do it. I think these books only exist in that moment of time, and if I reread them now, it wouldn’t be the same.”

While I read a ton of books throughout high school, one book I’d love to highlight from that tumultuous time in my life is The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Before Covid took over my senior year of high school, my AP English teacher gave us a choice of a few different books to focus on for the next few months. At the time, I chose The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, but I remembered her endless praises of The Color Purple. When I purchased my copy of The Handmaid’s Tale, I also bought a copy of The Color Purple. Unlike many people during the pandemic, I didn’t feel motivated to read. Alice Walker’s incredible novel was the first book I had read in months, and I remember devouring it. I also think The Color Purple is one of the most important books published; my AP English teacher was right, everyone should read it at least once in their lifetime. Or maybe more than once. I think it’s due time for a reread. 

I took about seven literature courses in college for my Bachelor of Arts in Publishing and Writing, so I didn’t have much time to read for fun, but when I did, I discovered my favorite genre: Literary Fiction. I read Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng twice: after my sophomore year ended and in the beginning of my last semester of undergrad. I love Ng’s lyrical writing and how she ties the past to the present of the novel’s world. I also found myself caring a lot about the characters, despite their clear flaws, which Ng didn’t shy away from. While I don’t think Everything I Never Told You is the best book ever, it is one I always think about and always recommend. It’s simple but has a strong message about family and how your environment affects who you are and what you grow to become. 

As I’m in my postgrad (but also in the virtual grad student) era of my life, reading is one of my only hobbies that has stayed constant. I read almost every day, and I work at a bookstore, so I’m always thinking about books or buying more with my paycheck. Not to be basic, but I think Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn has really defined this time of my life. I’ve read it twice over the last year, and I ALWAYS recommend it to customers. I think it’s one of the best novels with an unreliable narrator, and I caught things during my second read that I never noticed on first read. I also love how committed Amy is to her bit of framing Nick as her murderer; it’s almost inspiring (in a different context, I swear). Right now, I’m committed to taking care of myself and finding new ways to make myself happy. Definitely less toxic than Amy, but I love her dedication.

If you’re looking to reminisce and reread some of the old books that shaped you, I would recommend making smart and ethical buying choices! Shop at your local indie bookstore or go on to make your purchases online via independent bookstores. I also get a lot of my favorite reads secondhand! My copies of Everything I Never Told You and The Color Purple are from ThriftBooks, an online store I’ve been using to get used books since high school! I’d also recommend getting a library card and checking out your local libraries. And if you have an ereader, look to Libby or Overdrive. 

Happy Reading,


Honorable mentions: 

  • Number the Stars by Lois Lowry: I did two separate book reports on this in elementary school, and I recommend it a ton at my job for young readers. 

  • The Rainbow Magic Fairies series: I don’t remember actually reading these books; I just checked them out from the library for the covers alone. I always thought the fairies were so cool and pretty. I still do. 

  • A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket: The second book in this series was the first book I read in just one day. I was proud of myself for that because it felt like an impossible feat at the time.

  • A Diary of a Young Girl (The Diary of Anne Frank): There was a time where I read this book every day in my sixth grade homeroom period. I still own my mass market paperback edition where the spine is completely cracked in multiple places. It was the first time I felt like an adult in terms of my reading choices. 

  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: My entire middle school friend group and I read this book at the same time, which was such a sweet bonding experience.

  • I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson: I remember this being such a beautifully lyrical book. It reminds me of summer. 

  • All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir: This book is absolutely incredible, and it won the National Book Award. I don’t see enough people talk about how amazing this book is. 

  • Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner: I think this is the first memoir I read that wasn’t for school. I get so excited when customers buy this at my job because I need everyone to read it.


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