Art That Resonates: Meet Arielle Tesoriero

Written by Daphne Bryant


All images provided by and courtesy of Arielle Tesoriero


Arielle Tesoriero is a multidisciplinary artist from the Eastern Shore of Maryland, now based in nyc, with a portfolio that is larger than life and whimsical in all the best, most profound ways. I had the pleasure of interviewing arielle to learn more about her creative process, musical journey, and tips for aspiring artists; read the conversation below!

Q1: When did you start making art? What is your favorite kind of art to create?

A: When I was younger I was always drawing, writing stories, and photographing everyday things. I spent a lot of time in my bedroom, and I think as a young girl it molded my creativity and imagination. I didn’t really watch TV or anything like that. So I mostly entertained myself. I started painting when I was 12, and around that same time I found an interest in portraiture. I wanted to live through my artwork, through these people I could portray. From the moment I picked up a paint brush, I knew I loved it more than anything else. That still holds true, even now. 

Q2: As an artist, you are known to make references to 2000s childhood iconography. Why that time period?

A: I was born in 1997—the year of The Spice Girls and Tamagotchis. I feel so lucky that growing up I was surrounded by the whimsical "girly girl" aesthetic: think Limited Too, Mary Kate & Ashley movies (Holiday in the Sun is superior) Club Libby Lu, My Scene Dolls, and glittery pink everything. I was obsessed with it all. I couldn’t wait to grow up so I could dress, walk and talk like the girls in the magazines at Walmart. I make art that reflects what I want to look at the most. And for me, that’s things that remind me of my childhood. A lot of my work takes on topics that are the complete opposite of my playful aesthetic though, and that is purposeful. I think about romanticized nostalgia often. 

Q3: What is your relationship to and thoughts on girlhood? Why is girlhood special or important?

A: I have conflicting feelings because on one hand, I miss it, and on the other hand, I don't. I think women feel that as they get older, they leave their girlhood behind—the pure friendships, freedom, boldness,  "innocence" (I hate that word!) — but the idea that you lose these things about yourself is rooted in the patriarchy. I more so miss the aesthetics of my childhood, because minimalist fashion, architecture and marketing makes me want to jump off a bridge. What's so special about girlhood is believing that you can do anything and then getting older and being able to accomplish those dreams. 

“What's so special about girlhood is believing that you can do anything and then getting older and being able to accomplish those dreams.”

Q4: Your painting“ Private Parts” is included in and currently available for viewing at the NADA’s online exhibition“ As It Unfolds.” What advice do you have for someone who wants to have their own art in an exhibit?

A: First, you need a strong body of work. If your goal is to show work in places like NYC or LA, the easiest and cheapest way to get your work noticed by galleries is by posting on Instagram. The larger art market doesn't use TikTok, for whatever reason. I guess it's a prestige thing. TikTok is still great for a younger audience though so I would recommend doing both. Follow your favorite galleries on Instagram, even if you don't live in major cities, you can still be discovered this way. Apply for open calls when you see them. Go to your favorite artists' website and see what they have applied for. Apply for the same things. Reach out to them on Instagram. People are a lot nicer than you think! Going to openings and connecting with artists face to face is the best thing. And most of all, make art making your number one priority. You have to have the drive. 

Q5: All it takes is one look at your portfolio to see that you are an incredibly talented and multifaceted creative, with experience as a singer and songwriter! What’s your favorite song that you’ve ever released?

A: Honestly, my favorite songs (because I can’t pick just one!) come from my first EP Dear Diary, which I wrote and produced myself in 2020. I love "Are U Comfy" and "Angel Baby" the most. They are my favorites because I worked hard to teach myself how to use GarageBand. But I think most people's favorite song of mine is“ beautiful princess disorder,” which is from my 3rd EP called heartsick. That's probably my best work— in terms of production, mixing, and overall song quality. But there's something about the gritty experimental freedom that Dear Diary has, because the songs don’t behave like stereotypical hits. There is a naivety that works. My emotions were so raw. 

Q6: I noticed that you did animation, props and set design on your own music video for“ Worst Angel Cake” (which is amazing by the way). How is your art and your music intersectional or intertwined?

A: Thank you so much! For a while, oddly I felt like they weren't connected at all — conceptually, anyway. My music is often about my personal relationships with people in my life, where my art speaks more to societal expectations of women as a whole. My songs are also raw in a way I feel like I can't be with my art. I'm very cryptic and heavily reliant on symbolism, where in my music I can just say exactly how I feel. Now that I've been making music for 5 years, I've started to blend my two worlds together. I find myself inspired by the same things, which I transcend into different mediums. For example, I was enamored with Courtney Love last year, and that directly translated to writing "Worst Angel Cake" and also making several paintings and sculptures, like "Private Parts," "Breakfast Bitch," and my newest painting, "The Man Inside My Head." I'm lucky that I'm able to pick up different mediums easily, so I can do everything— hair, makeup,  photography, set design, Photoshop, Premiere, stop motion—you name it, and I will figure out how to do it. I love learning new things, so making a music video was almost like solving a puzzle - how can I make x, y and z with things I already have or with a cheap budget? I always tell my fiancé I'm like a random Sim character. I have no purpose other than to assign myself random tasks. 

Q7: In your opinion, how should an artist set themselves apart while still maintaining their authenticity?

A: You should follow your intuition. Most of the time, that's connecting with your inner child. Because that's when we are our most authentic selves before the world beats us down. It's okay to feel scared because you care about what other people think. I mean, I do too. Everyone does. But fuck everyone else! It's important to push past those feelings and make work for yourself. What are you most drawn to? What makes your heart sing? In any facet of life, not just creative fields. Whatever it is, that's what you should do. And by the way, did I say fuck everyone else?

Q8: What sorts of exciting new projects are you hoping to pursue in 2025?!

A: I'm currently working on publishing my own book! It's something that's been a dream of mine since I was little. It's a mix of my art, poetry, and other writings, along with an interview and other fun stuff. I'm sooooo excited! I'll definitely share more on my social media when I'm ready to accept pre orders.

Follow Arielle on Instagram To Keep Up with All future projects ☆


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